Posts tagged ‘Resignation’

March 4, 2022

A Challenging Spiritual Exercise…

June 25, 2019

Agents Of Misfortune

This art tickle is not entirely about John Waters…

February 12, 2019

Beauty and Happiness

Beauty depresses me,
knowing that it’s temporary.
Positivity requires too much energy.
And even if I were happy,
I wouldn’t admit it,
for that would be an insult
to those who are not,
and those who pretend to be.

December 30, 2018

Is there Life after Art?

One more week. Emptyscapes   Extended until 1/5/19.
Lora Schlesinger Gallery, Bergamot Station, 2525 Michigan Ave. B5b, Santa Monica CA 90404


May 28, 2016

The Solution

Dried Up

I recognize the ideal,
of what I’m ideally working towards,
but I’m incapable of realizing it.
So why not satisfy myself
with what I imagine
I’m capable of doing
rather than actually doing it?
That seems like a reasonable solution.

But isn’t that what I’ve been doing all along:
basking instead of striving;
recognizing what I’m capable of
and settling for less?
Which is actually a long process
of resigning oneself to failure:
basking in the glory of potential
and potential glory,
until potential is dead.

February 7, 2014

Time Unregained


At this point it would be impossible
to make up for all the lost time.
I might as well try to settle
for a serviceable desperation,
and strive, at least, for resignation:
the long hard process of resigning myself
to the choices I made
by not making a choice.

May 29, 2013


In the latest issue of Gesture magazine:


How dark and wide and wet it was:
pungent in the morning, with steam rising from it.
I held my nose over it, breathed in deeply
and gagged.

A hole, deeper than my love,
awaited you. A shallow hole,

February 7, 2012

On The Road Again

A good humor man nurtures a roadside weed
With water from a Dixie Cup; 
Street lights change superfluously in muggy stillness;
In a world of blinding blandness
A poisonous vacancy becomes beautiful. 

December 11, 2011


I realize now that nothing will ever strike me
with the force of revelation.
And that in itself is a revelation.
It’s not much of one,
but it will have to do.