Archive for December, 2012

December 22, 2012

Compliments of the Season

Imagine viewing Christmas as an occasion to to enjoy,
and not something that must be endured.



For that matter, imagine feeling that way
about the rest of the year.

December 15, 2012

a charming combination

Throughout the month of December two VCPs (Victorian Choking Paintings) will be adorning the wall of Alias Books in Atwater, while a stack of Antiepithalamia will be decorating the counter. 3163 Glendale Blvd, Los Angeles.


December 13, 2012

past, resent, future


Living in the present, negligibly;
regretting the past, sweepingly;
and speculating upon the future,


December 4, 2012

Second Blush


I resent you for bringing out these feelings:
I was better off without them.


You have evicted me from myself;
banished me to a semi-autonomous region;
to a statelessness beclouded
by fear of regret.