Archive for September, 2013

September 28, 2013

That Time of Day


A destructive overawareness of time
knives through the hot empty spaces
of an afternoon. A sense of urgency vaporizing
into torpor. Even the traffic sounds tired.
Do something, I tell myself.
What?  The same thing I’ve been doing
every day for years on end
with varying degrees of failure.

September 21, 2013

Just trying to make a connection…


“At the end of the day, these few fleeting moments
of glory are one’s only reward.”

Performance video from the La Luz de Jesus Gallery, 8/13.

September 18, 2013


Spent force

I dread the ordeal of enforced jollification,
the pressure of pleasure: those strained circumstances
when something is thought to be wrong with you
if you cannot enjoy yourself under conditions
that are supposedly ideal for enjoyment.
Some people like to have fun.
I realize I’m not that into it.
It sounds tiring.

September 9, 2013

All Down the Line

Many Unrealized Revelations

Passing the various stations,
the vicarious stations,
watching the other passengers get off,
without baggage, at the earliest stop –
once they feel they’ve done their time,
but wanting credit for riding it to the end of the line.
For at the terminal, what awaits?
Just a faded ticket, out of date.